Monday, May 24, 2010

"Smile" You're on Central Camera: Video

A high school in Central VA learns how to use Microsoft Image Composer to create collages for their high school website. The students will learn to use a digital camera, one that seems to be outdated because it still uses a floppy disc to save the images. What I thought was great about the lesson and about what the teacher was expecting out of her students, was multiple uses of the Microsoft software. Mrs. kunath wanted her students to upload images and change the size, color, lighting, add words, add shadows and create a unique diverse collage of pictures. I think it was great how the teacher had her student performing different acts on the photos so the students could get a full understanding of what the software can do and how to do certain things.

I think it would have been nice to see some small group interaction and peer teaching. I think the students would have learned more if they were put into small groups where together they could come up with some great ideas and then incorporate them in the online collage.

Overall, the video did not show as must of the software as I would have like it to but Mrs. Kunath did do a good job with explaining the program and what her expectation were for the assignment.

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