Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hungerford's Lesson Plan: movie

The students at an alternative school are using Capitalism Plus simulation software to create and run their own business corporation.

Teacher has students complete a tutorial regarding supply and demand, revenue, profit and quality sold to understand how a change in a product effects all of these listed above.

Selection of three products from a department store website and look at the gross profit of the product that is highlighted. The teacher made the students look at the supply and the demand and asked why that product went up in price.

The teacher also connected the lesson to the real world and made the students give examples of the real world that they use in their home, such as PlayStation 2.

Why would you change a price on a product?
Popular, increase price because the demand is high
Clear the item from the shelves, lower the price

Financial Overview
Net worth: how much a company is worth and the knowledge of the supple line and find a correct price for the item.

The use of Microsoft Front Page is presented in the video when the students begin creating web sites of their corporations. They include bar graphs and other charts to tract their revenue over the course of the class semester. The student must also explain in change in the revenue.

What also is important is that the teacher has designed a learning activity to teacher his students how to publish this to the World Wide Web.

They also use spreadsheets to enter in data from the Capitalism Plus simulation and view the data as a graph, like mentioned previously. This helps them visual the progress of their corporation.

The use of computers in society is a vital importance to the lesson that was presented in this video.

Personally I don’t feel that there were any weak points in this presentation. Sometimes I wish that the teacher would allow for peer-teaching by the students instead of him telling the students what to do all the time. Also if a student makes a mistake, it is ok, because there are many times in corporate businesses were employees make mistakes and need to understand how to change them. That is the real world and a lesson that should have been explained.

I also feel that the knowledge that was presented was adequate for the students and they seemed to be challenged by the tasks and also able to grasp the ideas.

In regards to setting long term and short term goals, I think it is vital to a student’s overall accomplishments. Setting goals gives a student something to work towards and competition for not only themselves but for their peers as well.

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