Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Machine is Us/ing Us: video

Wow, what an interesting video. YouTube it and see for yourself! This video has really made me think of what the web really is and how we use it on a daily basis and why? This video brought up some good points on validity of the web and some of the sources that we think is "true". There are many websites that people can create and add their opinions and the opinions of other to make the information seem like it is accurate when really it is someones ideas. Scary.

What is real and what is not, and how does one know the difference?

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Smile" You're on Central Camera: Video

A high school in Central VA learns how to use Microsoft Image Composer to create collages for their high school website. The students will learn to use a digital camera, one that seems to be outdated because it still uses a floppy disc to save the images. What I thought was great about the lesson and about what the teacher was expecting out of her students, was multiple uses of the Microsoft software. Mrs. kunath wanted her students to upload images and change the size, color, lighting, add words, add shadows and create a unique diverse collage of pictures. I think it was great how the teacher had her student performing different acts on the photos so the students could get a full understanding of what the software can do and how to do certain things.

I think it would have been nice to see some small group interaction and peer teaching. I think the students would have learned more if they were put into small groups where together they could come up with some great ideas and then incorporate them in the online collage.

Overall, the video did not show as must of the software as I would have like it to but Mrs. Kunath did do a good job with explaining the program and what her expectation were for the assignment.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Video: "Show Me" Missouri's Temperatures

This video takes place in a Missouri fourth grade classroom. The teacher is trying to make her students understand the use of a spreadsheet and how you can upload data that can be represented with a bar graph or other graph.

Personally, the video did not really focus on the way a spreadsheet works which I think was fine regarding the age group of her students. I think is would have been beneficial for the teacher to make them graph sports scores or weather temperatures in Missouri and create a spreadsheet with a graph representing the data the students collected.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hungerford's Lesson Plan: movie

The students at an alternative school are using Capitalism Plus simulation software to create and run their own business corporation.

Teacher has students complete a tutorial regarding supply and demand, revenue, profit and quality sold to understand how a change in a product effects all of these listed above.

Selection of three products from a department store website and look at the gross profit of the product that is highlighted. The teacher made the students look at the supply and the demand and asked why that product went up in price.

The teacher also connected the lesson to the real world and made the students give examples of the real world that they use in their home, such as PlayStation 2.

Why would you change a price on a product?
Popular, increase price because the demand is high
Clear the item from the shelves, lower the price

Financial Overview
Net worth: how much a company is worth and the knowledge of the supple line and find a correct price for the item.

The use of Microsoft Front Page is presented in the video when the students begin creating web sites of their corporations. They include bar graphs and other charts to tract their revenue over the course of the class semester. The student must also explain in change in the revenue.

What also is important is that the teacher has designed a learning activity to teacher his students how to publish this to the World Wide Web.

They also use spreadsheets to enter in data from the Capitalism Plus simulation and view the data as a graph, like mentioned previously. This helps them visual the progress of their corporation.

The use of computers in society is a vital importance to the lesson that was presented in this video.

Personally I don’t feel that there were any weak points in this presentation. Sometimes I wish that the teacher would allow for peer-teaching by the students instead of him telling the students what to do all the time. Also if a student makes a mistake, it is ok, because there are many times in corporate businesses were employees make mistakes and need to understand how to change them. That is the real world and a lesson that should have been explained.

I also feel that the knowledge that was presented was adequate for the students and they seemed to be challenged by the tasks and also able to grasp the ideas.

In regards to setting long term and short term goals, I think it is vital to a student’s overall accomplishments. Setting goals gives a student something to work towards and competition for not only themselves but for their peers as well.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meaningful Learning in an Information Age: Movie

An authentic experience

Broadcast every morning to the school and the children get the information through the world wide web. The students obtain information about the weather to use in their daily report to the school.

Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software is used to add color and effects to the PowerPoint. The students have files that they keep all the information in and use the same file to hold information of the newscast such as the script.

Camera was used with the insertion of a floppy disc. The editing of the video was done using an outdated source. Word processing was used when writing the scripts.

The students explain and help each other out when using the camera and filming the newscast. With the help of all involved the use of technology seems to be comprehensive. The use of technology helps the students interact with each other on an advanced level and with social interaction and peer-teaching the product seems to be very successful.

In regards to an authentic experience, the students taught other students about the weather and news but other than that the teacher was not really present in the video.